Diary of a Pastor's wife (Part 22)

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Diary Of A Pastor's Wife (part 22)

It felt like I was watching a movie, there was tension in the air. I had never seen Georgina with such countenance; She was dry faced and tensed.

"I gave birth to you my son" she said in a shaky voice.

"Is the holy bishop still in denial?" Lizzy asked sarcastically.

Everyone was in shock, we all placed a  gaze on Georgina.

"This was meant to be a secret I was gonna die with. I promised my mother not to reveal it to anyone. My mother believed that bishop Georgina did her a huge favor by sending her to school and taking adoption of her son."

"Jesus Christ!" David exaggerated.

"Georgina was afraid that my mother was going to come back for her son afterwards. when you were 2years old David, she took you to a place in India called  Hussan Takri's shrine in India and casted a spell on you. She lied to her husband that she was going for an international christian women's conference. She told my mom this out of anger. She never wanted you to believe this. she told my mother this because my mother wanted to pay her all the money she spent on her in Medical school and get you back."

"And why did she cast a spell?"

" So that you will do whatever she ask you to do. And never believe our mother."

" Oh my God!" David exclaimed, tears prickled at the top of his nose.

"you now see why I never wanted to date you while we were teenagers? When I told our mother that I was in love with you, she said to me that I can't be in love with my blood brother."

Everything inside of Georgina Froze except her heart. An explosion of heat detonated inside her chest, shooting out in sharp edged pins. The thumb of heart pounded with a force against her ribcage.
At this moment, Georgina was looking as disgruntled as she felt.

"And you call yourself a woman of God. I am not sure the holy spirit leads you to minister to your congregation mom." David said, panting. He stood there, his legs throbbing. He glanced up to find me staring at him. His face firmed. The glance we shared was strangely intimate.

"I am sorry." he whispered.

Georgina stood up immediately and walked out of the ward. David walked down to Lizzy.

"I have seen how your mom...." he paused and then continued. " our mom loved me so much, I felt it wasn't ordinary, there was this bond between us. Why didn't you tell me this a long time ago?"

"I didn't want to break mom's heart, I swore to her that I won't let anyone know of this."

"You've been my sister all these while?"  His scowl deepened, and now he looked quite fierce.
Lizzy nodded.

The kids were deeply asleep, Mfon on David's arms, while Teye was on the couch.
Looking at them, my spirit became lifted.

"I will be here with you till you get better."
David whispered calmly.
I felt my eye brows put together in a frown as he stared at me desperately.


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