Solution To The Unending Tithe / Tithing Controversy Via the Interpretation Of The Holy Ghost John 14:26; 16:13

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By Pastor Dallas
The confusion the Tithe controversy poses is the unfortunate exposure of the Church, the Body of Christ.
The final solution to this is an intimate relationship with Christ, the Head of the Church. If we do, all these brouhaha would not arisen.
This is because someone would have wisely noted that the ultimate solution to the unending controversy is to seek the interpretation of the Tithe issue from the Holy Spirit, our ultimate guide, whom Christ told us will teach us all things (John 14:26) and guide us into all truths (John 16:13).
By so doing, the Holy Spirit will ultimately interpret and sort out the tithe confusion, and other myriad doctrinal issues bedeviling the Church of the Lord.
The pertinent question is: are the Church leaders who are exploiting the situation trying to hide under religious doctrines to continue the extortion by trying to crucify Daddy Freeze who boldly voiced out one of the unfortunate tragedies that has befallen Christendom?
In conclusion, spiritual problems and puzzles are supposed to be rightly dissected by giving them sane spiritual interpretations, solutions and approaches via the leading of the Holy Spirit.
May the peace of the Lord ultimately reign amongst His faithfuls.
My regards,
Pastor Dallas.


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