Wild Woman • Sarah Jakes Roberts • Women evolve

Sarah Roberts is doing a tour, she's leading women evolve and she has her wild woman collection going well for her. She's a woman with a story every other woman can relate to. Wild woman has to do with women thriving in the wild.  

Sarah Roberts major call is to women out there who need strength to move on. She's also an inspiration speaker. If you're a woman and you're in LA you need to know you don't have to do the fighting all by yourself. 

A video clip on Sarah Roberts speaking to women at woman evolve. Just a glimpse into what she does... For more videos click on the link below>>>>>> 

Sarah Jakes and her ever supporting husband.
They both pastor ministries and find a way to keep their home balanced.  

Woman evolve

She's not a feminist, she's just one who sees the importance of women from the Bible's point of view 

Amongst many things, Sarah Jakes Roberts is a fashionista. 
She is yet another witness that fashion is major form of outreach. 


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