Undecided by Dami Yorin

Latest update 

I don't know what I'll turn out to be. A who or a what, a person or a thing. I was in the process of becoming when a cloth of shame and spite wrapped me up tightly. Now I am sitting in a court being asked to defend myself. It was hard because I was yet to choose a path. Although I was cautious, I was not decided, and that my friend, was my greatest downfall. Now the prosecutor asks, "Who are you?" and the best answer I can think of is "Whatever you say I am". Of course, that doesn't favor my case but what can I do? Maybe I'll take the name they give me and see where it leads me. I patiently await for the jury to decide but even the jury is perplexed as to what to call me. The next court hearing is postponed indefinitely and here I am, just like the day I was served, still undecided.

Part 2 

I am sorry if I left a misconception about who I am from the beginning of my story. I still can't state for sure who I am but I am certain of what I am not. I am not weak and I do not crave your sympathy because what use is that to me? What I failed to mention was my desire to become the witch of my story. The problem is that there's a little girl in me with principles and values, and though she's timid and gentle, I am too afraid to go against her wishes. Whether I will be the girl who is gentle and sweet or the woman with no care in her eyes, I desire that my outcome be powerful, deliberate, and most importantly, that it be true. Well, upon hearing myself now, I think I am half an inch closer to figuring out who or what I will be. I know the world awaits and I am not  delusional, I reckon that I am not all that but I am the most anxious, because whatever character I choose, I get to live it, without stopping, without pause, with no breaks, when I am surrounded and when I am alone.


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