Common Interview questions asked in Nigeria
Latest update 1. Tell me about yourself? This should be about the simplest question there is to answer because all they really want you to say is a summary of what you have on your CV. Select key work and education information that shows your prowess in certain fields and of course, is related to the job. 2. Can you tell us about your weakness? This is a question most people answer improperly. The best way to answer this question is to tell the interviewer about an activity or skill you have a problem with and how you are taking the necessary measures to combat this weakness. For example, you can say – “I have had trouble in the past with time management, however, I have employed the use of an application that runs on my phone and helps keep me in check”. 3. Why should we hire you? When answering this, your principal focus should be on the company and not yourself. They need to know that you can meet almost all their needs as well as the required output they seek. This is als