Big deal?

So it was all fabulous on Sunday. From my beautiful gown to my slaying make up. I went for Sunday school like the rest of my peers feeling gloriously pretty. That's how Beatrice called me back saying what's with the whole map of Nigeria on my gown. I mean, readers can't a girl wear complete underwear
again. It so happened that my singlet vs panties vs tights were showing lines across my gown like everywhere!!!. That just ruined my fabulous Sunday for me. I started thinking of what I could do to avoid this from happening again.
 Boom! Thongs! G-strings!
 I mean why didn't i think of that earlier. So I started nursing the idea. Look I'm not going to wear it because I want my behind to look more attractive or anything like that. My motives are right with God. Even God can see that so Big Deal?. Some days after that, I saw a friend of mine wearing just a top walking all over the hostel. I was teasing her on walking naked when she raised her top and I saw that she was on thongs. At that point I told her what's the use of wearing panties sef. Like a flash I realized the whole scene was a message for me. I asked my friend why she wore it and she was like she felt comfortable with it and that what was the BIG DEAL in it. I thought for a second and then I said this:
 God knows the intents of your heart and He knows you mean no harm but people can't decipher what's in your heart. Darling you are a model to the whole world, people actually look up to you whether you know it or not. Imagine someone saying if she, who is so up with God is advertising her behind and nothing is pricking her conscience then who am I? YOU'RE AN AMBASSADOR FOR AND OF CHRIST. Wherever you are, you represent the whole body of Christ. People will conclude that's what Christians do when they see you doing it. That my dear is the BIG DEAL.
There is no hate about people wearing thongs etc....this article is for born leaders, a people with an identity such that they cant afford to follow the crowd because they are the ones who ought to lead them. Thongs was just the example, there are other things we do, say and wear that we tell ourselves that our motives are right. now even if our motives are right, the results arent.
NOTE: There are a lot of things believers dont do not because they are bad in themselves but because they have come to a point in life where they put on the love of God and decide they won't lead men astray unconsciously just because they have right intents or motives.



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