keep doing!

Have you ever gotten to a point where you feel out of place, lonely, homeless or like you don't belong? And then you look around you and you see beautiful people who care and love you so much but still it feels like something is missing. Most people get to this point and start looking for a romantic partner since ordinary friendship isn't filling the gap. Honestly, it took me just now as I picked up my pen to write, to know that you can never feel like you belong to a place that's not your home . We keep saying we are in the world and not of the world only to tell ourselves not to put on the culture of the world . How about we see it has a comfort and an explanation to many questions. I believe it is one of the streams of God's love. Now i ask myself if its God's way of making us not get too comfortable so we wouldn't be destroyed. My favourite apostle, Apostle Paul  also really wanted to go ahead and be with the lord but then he had an assignment to do. Apostle Paul just focused on Jesus and on the reward he would get from Jesus after he had completed his work here. There are people who aren't whole because they do not see that their home is in the lord. Darling that's where you belong. Trying to solve it any other way is gonna be a great weight on your shoulders. I know that sometimes it feels like we are the only one out of a thousand doing the right thing and its just so easy to fall back but its consequence is not that easy, trust me. I want to remain special in the eyes of God. doesn't David in  the bible motivate you enough, a man after God's heart. wow!!!!.
Thank goodness the bible made it clear that he wasn't spotless or without blemish otherwise we would all be thinking that no one stands a chance. And to think that he was even in a dispensation where tthey didnt enjoy the abundance of mercy we have now by the death of Jesus makes it all interesting.
From my heart to your heart, and as an ambassador of Christ I say  keep doing!


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