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*Dying For the Lord*  Stage 1
*Living For the Lord * Stage Forever.

It is quite easy to live a life of not accomplishing much and still feel satisfied. Living for the Lord is a whole new game altogether. Its not easy to look like Jesus. There's the character aspect of meekness etc but don't forget that Jesus is fat, He's royalty, He's wealthy, He's a force to be reckoned with and He dominates. Now these things are desirable of course. There's a battle field you need to go through before you get there. You can't afford to be a survivor. Does Jesus look like a survivor to you?
You've gat to be a conqueror. You need to win!  Not manage or just accept fate. You need to take over. And you need to keep moving. There's always more grounds to cover which comes with more battlefields. I've been talking about your life being a form of worship to God. I've been talking about the warrior's  kind of worship. You're on that field of life, whatever it may be, and you're average at it then you say you're contented. Well I say you're lazy if you're not fighting. Its one thing to be average for a test period  and its another thing to be average cuz you want it. You know why I call you lazy?
 Its because you don't need skill or strength, all you need is time and chance. You've got  access to the owner of time and chance. You've gat access to all it requires to succeed. Do you even act like one that knows that the one who has time and chance is your Father?. 


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