Out of the shadows by Dami Yorin

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What I've been through one might call scarring 
Well that's why I'll rather keep shut
My story is uncommon
My style is different 
My voice turns head
And I'm not sure if that's good or bad 
But that's the problem or maybe just one of the problems and the reason why I stay in the dark.
I let the opinions of people write on the wall of my heart. 
I let the critics in my head chain my will to move 
I let the failures I've encountered define me
I let people I love dictate what I do
I take the norms of this world and I make it my law
So pathetic! 
The dark is the world of the dead
As the name implies there's no light in it
This place is not befitting for me
This place is rejecting me somehow
So from now I dare to live;
To come out of the shadows 
But be warned! 
I'll damn anything that comes in my way
- Yorin Damilola 


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