
Three Simple Steps To Gain Self-control

Latest update Self-control is the quality that allows you to stop yourself from doing things you want to do but that might not be in your best interest.  Build your self-discipline. We aren’t born with self-discipline -- it’s a learned behavior. And just like any other skill  you want to master, it requires daily practice and repetition. Just like going to the gym, willpower and self-discipline take a lot of work. The effort and focus that self-discipline requires can be draining. As time passes, it can become more and more difficult to keep your willpower in check. The bigger the temptation or decision, the more challenging it can feel to tackle other tasks that also require self-control. So work on building your self-discipline through daily diligence. Avoid Temptation Avoiding temptation requires anticipating situations where unwanted desires might emerge and taking proactive steps to ensure that one doesn’t succumb to the problematic desire. For example, avoiding ex

Self esteem | Signs of low self esteem | How to improve low self esteem

Latest update Self esteem is basically how much you appreciate yourself. Self-esteem is often seen as a personality trait, which means that it tends to be stable and enduring. Self-esteem can involve a variety of beliefs about yourself, such as the appraisal of your own appearance, beliefs, emotions, and behaviors. Signs of Healthy Self-Esteem 1. Confidence 2. Ability to say no 3. Positive outlook 4.  Ability to see overall strengths and weaknesses and accept them. 5. Negative experiences don't impact overall perspective 6.  Ability to express your needs Signs of Low Self-Esteem 1. Negative outlook 2. Lack of confidence 3. Inability to express your needs 4.  Focus on your weaknesses Excessive feelings of shame, depression, or anxiety Belief that others are better than you. 5.  Trouble accepting positive feedback. 6.  Intense fear of failure How to improve your self esteem  1. Do something creative  2. Acquire a new skill 3. Get over


Latest update The term "IQ" is an abbreviation for the term "intelligence quotient." IQ is determined by administering assessments intended to determine a human's intelligence level. This intelligence level is expressed by a ratio of the mental age to the chronological age. IQ tests are often used for determining the intelligence of job applicants, military applicants, students, and others. An IQ test is generally administered by a psychologist; but, many informal IQ assessments can be found on the Internet. IQ Test Questions IQ questions would be found on IQ tests. These questions are intended to assess a variety of mental abilities and skills, and therefore cover a wide range of different types of intelligence. Below are some general examples of the types of questions that might be found on an IQ test: Analogies (mathematical and verbal) Pattern driven (spatial and mathematical) Classification Visual Spatial Logical While those are the general area

How to improve your memory

Latest update Focus Your Attention  Train your brain Meditate Aerobic exercise  Sleep well  Eat memory boosting diets Get organized  Use mnemonic tricks -- acronyms, rhymes, and so on. When tightening or loosening lids, remember "righty-tighty, lefty-loosey." To recall the Great Lakes, remember "HOMES" (Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior.) Understand your own style of learning. Most people are visual learners, remembering best what they see. They benefit the most from memory notebooks and signs. Others are auditory learners, remembering best what they hear. They benefit from talking out loud or using a tape recorder. A few people are kinesthetic learners, remembering best what they experience. They will benefit most from writing things down or acting them out. Knowing your strength will help your memory run at peak efficiency. To enhance your memory, try using all three learning modes. Reduce sugar intake  Eat dark chocolate  Avoid high calorie

Picture Quotes on Miss Comfort series

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Chike | boo of the booless

Latest update Chike-Ezekpeazu Osebuka (born 28 January 1993) popularly known by his stage name CHIKE is a singer, songwriter and actor known for his participation on the Nigerian reality competition Project Fame West Africa in 2015 and also in the talent competition TV show The Voice Nigeria Season 1 finishing runner-up on the show. Chike is an ambassador for Airtel Nigeria. Chike made his acting debut as Mayowa Badmus on the Africa Magic Showcase telenovela Battleground. Chike is a native of Onitsha, Anambra State in Nigeria. He comes from a family of four children. He is a graduate of Computer Engineering from Covenant University. He comes from a musically talented family and so had the passion to take up music as a career. In April 2017 it was confirmed that Chike had been cast by Africa Magic to play the role of Mayowa Badmus, a rich egocentric spoilt but clever son of the patriarch, Kolade Badmus in a new Family drama series called Battleground. In November 2017 he departe

Obesere | Egungun | E don happen | Meaning of Egungun

Latest update Abass Akande Obesere, also known as Omo Rapala, is a native of Ibadan, the largest city in Western Nigeria. A popular Fuji musician, Obesere forced his way into the limelight through his "vulgar" songs, which openly touch on issues that are considered taboo in the conservative Yoruba community. Following the paths of other successful musicians such as Sikiru Ayinde Barrister, Obesere also has taken his own brand of Fuji music all over the world. He was initially signed with Sony Music but moved onto other labels after payment disputes. He is currently signed with Mayors Ville Entertainment an artiste management firm,a subsidiary of Maxgolan Entertainment Group, a record company located in lagos, Nigeria. He's indeed a super star. Nigerian Fuji music legend, Abass Akande Obesere explained the inspiration behind his hit song “Egungun Be careful” released back in the year 2000. According to him, the lyrics, “Egungun Becareful” came out of his own cre

Relationship between Fear and Anger

Latest update Some of the most common themes which connect fear and anger are control, purpose, conflict, and regret. At their core, both fear and anger are rooted in feelings of control. In most cases, individuals who experience fear may feel as though they have lost control of a particular situation, circumstance, or individuals. More often than not, this loss of control can have devastating aftermath or, at the very least, create unease and uncertainty, neither of which is helpful for anyone. Inversely, anger is, in many cases, a means of regaining control. While a fearful individual may hesitate to fight back against the cause of their unease, an angry person may use their displeasure and antagonism to neutralize the source of their fear. Next comes purpose. For better or worse, both fear and anger have unique purposes. While fear often occurs for the sake of avoiding situations which could bring about one's demise, anger often serves as the motivating force to retaliate a

Tissue didn't clean the mess

Latest update Straight outta morning devotion, I opened my Twitter on a Sunday morning The usual laughs, likes and retweets as I slid down. Some Christian contents; pinned and liked, I even added my contribution of godly jokes, Christian Twitter definitely saw that. I said to myself "A sane TL sure feels good". A friend's short cute video popped up Innocent me decided to check it out; Turned out to be a 'drop a cute video' thread!!! Drawn by the things I was seeing, I knew I couldn't like or retweet Because if I did, casting is inevitable. But, No one will know, and God will forgive me, I thought. Egungun was not careful, I was in too deep already. Airtel network wanted to spoil work But for some reason, it was blazing in the toilet. Continuing...cute videos turned to x-rated videos. A particular one took me out of my body, It affected my spirit, e weak me, as people would say From the lady's bio, I saw her onlyfans link I clicked o

International women's day 2020 | #IWD2020

Latest update The world has it all wrong, The burdens women bear shows great strength and capacity not weakness. #womensupportingwomen Send an email to Attach your business poster with your picture in it.  #womensupportingwomen #IWD2020 More than talk, more than housechores, more than cooking, more than sex, more than being pretty. Women are so much more and sometimes we forget that. Well here's a day to come out of the martyr trap and be celebrated for a job well-done.       Wishing every woman out there a happy international women's day.       Thank you for being bold enough to be a woman. Thanks for being the unseen reason why. Thanks for building children. Thanks for supporting men. Thanks for the meals and thanks for keeping the home. Because of you we have a better society today. Thanks for paying attention to details.

Emotional Dominance is abuse

Latest update Emotional dominance is a type of emotional abuse. According to psychotherapist Christine Scott-Hudson "Emotional dominance occurs when one person overwhelms the other's emotional boundaries and begins to control what the other is allowed to show, think, feel, and/or how to outwardly behave," How do you know you're a victim of emotional dominance ? 1. When you can't voice out your opinion on a subject or matter because you're afraid your partner or friend doesn't like it. Yes emotional dominance occurs amongst friends too. They're are friendships in which  value isn't balanced between the individuals involved. When one person values the friendship a lot more than the other and the other has emotional dominant tendencies it tends to spring up and bring the more caring friend into emotional submission. 2. When you're always getting disapprovals through body language for example sighs, glares, Shrugs etc. Your actions and

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What is Damocheese Style about?

Latest update Vision Statement of Damocheese Style  To dig up the treasures of the earth and mankind, restore all it's lost treasures  and reset the vibes, the trends, the fashion,  the art, the sounds, the words, the beliefs, and the lifestyle of the World. Is there a blog out there that cares about your growth, your minds food, the sharpening of your uniqueness ....well Damocheese Style is that blog. We understand that words are seeds, and we bring value to your faces on a platter of your page clicks.

Basic things to know about Excel

Latest update 1. Resize Columns and Rows The Excel default cell height and width is hardly one size fits all. Chances are, you’ll need to adjust the column width and row height to accommodate your data. To do that, click the column or row, select the Home tab, then click the Format button within the Cells  group. Choose whether you want to adjust the height or width. Enter the amount then click OK. The column or row should be adjusted to the exact measurement. You can also manually resize columns and rows using the mouse. Place the mouse pointer between the column or row, click the left mouse button, observe the floating balloon then drag and expand until the desired size is achieved. And here’s a handy tip: simply double-click the right border of a column to auto-size the width to the data. 2. Add or Remove Columns, Rows or Cells If you need an additional column, row, or cell, you can easily insert it using the Insert and Delete Cells commands. Click the Insert  but

Latest update on Coronavirus in Nigeria

Latest update The Italian citizen arrived in Lagos earlier this week on a commercial flight from Milan and traveled to neighboring Ogun state for business. He’s the first confirmed case in sub-Saharan Africa. Lafarge Africa Plc said it has quarantined 39 people who were in contact with him, a vendor for the company. It added in a statement that its cement factory in Ogun state remains open. Authorities traced people who traveled with the patient and stayed at the same hotel and asked for them to remain isolated for 14 days while undergoing daily temperature checks, said Akin Abayomi, the Lagos state commissioner for health. “The numbers keep changing -- they are going up gradually,” said Abayomi, adding that he calculates authorities have identified more than 100 people across the country. He said none of those in isolation in Lagos have presented any symptoms yet. Nigerians have complained on social media about shortages of face masks and hand sanitizer in Lagos and the ca

Miss Comfort Series | Damocheese Style

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Her way with words

Latest update Having decided that knowing how to use big words properly takes your profile high up I've decided to create a platform here for vocabulary growth. Let's start by learning a few new words 1.avant-garde radically new or original 2. bailiwick one's particular area of interest or branch of knowledge 3.bedlam a state of extreme confusion and disorder With the horses rushing for the wire, bedlam had broken loose. 4. besmirch smear so as to make dirty or stained. 5. bona fide not counterfeit or copied 6. bowdlerize edit by omitting or modifying parts considered indelicate. 7.cacophony loud confusing disagreeable sounds. 8. cipher a secret method of writing. 9.coterie an exclusive circle of people with a common purpose. 10.curmudgeon an irascible, cantankerous person full of stubborn ideas. 11. defenestrate throw through or out of a window. 12. diaphanous so thin as to transmit light 13. diaspora the dispersion of something t

Miss Comfort Series

Latest update Miss Comfort series is a one character short drama exploring the mind of a crazy, emotional, humorous, and intelligent young woman. Explaining beyond this would be spoiling the fun.

Summary of the Bible

Latest update What is the Bible? The Bible is the sacred Book, or collection of books, accepted by the Christian Church as uniquely inspired by God, and thus authoritative, providing guidelines for belief and behavior.1 Many verses throughout the Bible attest to its divine origin (Genesis 6:9-13, Exodus 20:1-17, 2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:20-21, Revelation 1:1-2, etc.) But the Bible was not simply dictated word-for-word by God; it is also the work of its many different human authors. The different writing skills, writing styles, personalities, world views, and cultural backgrounds of the human authors can be seen in their works. Many of the New Testament books were originally written as letters rather than as Scripture. Some Bible writings include the authors' own research and recollection of historical events (Luke 1:1-4) and their own opinions (1 Corinthians 7:12). The Old Testament Background The Old Testament is the first of the two major sections of the Christian Bibl

Basic things you should know about Human Rights

Latest update Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, regardless of race, sex, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, or any other status. Human rights include the right to life and liberty, freedom from slavery and torture, freedom of opinion and expression, the right to work and education, and many more.  Everyone is entitled to these rights, without discrimination. International Human Rights Law International human rights law lays down the obligations of Governments to act in certain ways or to refrain from certain acts, in order to promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms of individuals or groups. One of the great achievements of the United Nations is the creation of a comprehensive body of human rights law—a universal and internationally protected code to which all nations can subscribe and all people aspire. The United Nations has defined a broad range of internationally accepted rights, including civil, cultural, economic, political a

CNN''s report on Coronavirus

Latest update (CNN)As the United States recorded its first coronavirus death -- and the number of infections grows worldwide -- many people are wondering what symptoms to be on the lookout for and how to protect themselves. There are now 71 confirmed and presumptive positive cases of coronavirus in the United States. Here's what you should know to keep yourself safe: What are the symptoms Coronavirus makes people sick, usually with a mild to moderate upper respiratory tract illness, similar to a common cold. Its symptoms include a runny nose, cough, sore throat, headache and a fever that can last for a couple of days. For those with a weakened immune system, the elderly and the very young, there's a chance the virus could cause a lower, and much more serious, respiratory tract illness like a pneumonia or bronchitis. How does it spread Transmission between humans happens  when someone comes into contact with an infected person's secretions, such as droplets in a

Basic Things to know about the female brain and body

Latest update 1. According to some scientific research, the attractiveness of a woman’s child is heavily dependent on what she eats during pregnancy. (So don’t use pregnancy as an excuse to eat whatever you want ladies!) 2. The part of the brain that shows arousal during sex also shows a similar arousal in some women while they’re thinking about food. Especially when they have food cravings. 3. You might know that women live longer than men, on average. But do you know why? Some studies suggest that women are generally more likely to lead a healthier lifestyle. But there have also been studies suggesting that women’s bodies are naturally better at fighting disease. And some even suggest this is especially true for women who have been child bearers. 4. Around 80% of women's wrinkles are caused by excessive sun exposure. Many people don't even think about the sun and the damage that it does on our skin. 5. She really is intuitive (though not magic) Men can have the un

Common Interview questions asked in Nigeria

Latest update 1. Tell me about yourself? This should be about the simplest question there is to answer because all they really want you to say is a summary of what you have on your CV. Select key work and education information that shows your prowess in certain fields and of course, is related to the job. 2. Can you tell us about your weakness? This is a question most people answer improperly. The best way to answer this question is to tell the interviewer about an activity or skill you have a problem with and how you are taking the necessary measures to combat this weakness. For example, you can say – “I have had trouble in the past with time management, however, I have employed the use of an application that runs on my phone and helps keep me in check”. 3. Why should we hire you? When answering this, your principal focus should be on the company and not yourself. They need to know that you can meet almost all their needs as well as the required output they seek. This is als

Damocheese's Style: Iya Bashira week 1: How to prepare black soup

Damocheese's Style: Iya Bashira week 1: How to prepare black soup : Introducing Iya Bashira Lol who remembers this song from the legendary Style plus group singers. Anyways that's how this name was coi... Latest update

Undefined relationships

Latest update Examples of defined relationships are family relationships, friendship, teacher/mentor/guardian to student/mentee/ward relationship, boyfriend and girlfriend relationship etc. An undefined relationship is a relationship that exists between two people who are unclear about what they mean or who they are to each other. Undefined relationships is usually in between friendship and dating. So we have two people catching feelings for each other who can't fully exercise their emotions because they haven't come to agreement to do that. It breeds a lot of things from insecurity, to the fear of the unknown, to jealousy to sleepless nights, to unnecessary heartaches that don't have the permission to be voiced out, waste of time and sometimes waste of emotions etc. Should undefined relationship be eliminated completely My take? No! Why because it's a part of the process BUT it should be a short stage. The value of undefined relationship is to figure out whe

Damocheese's Style: About Cave woman 2020

Damocheese's Style: About Cave woman 2020 : Cave woman is a woman who is independent. A woman who is responsible enough to execute tasks and make out strategies for them. Now this is ... Latest update

Damocheese Style is back and better

Latest update So I, as a writer , blogger and influencer I apologize for the long break most especially to those who believed and to those who are still believing in me. I wouldn't give any excuse whatsoever for the break but I must say this, a retreat whether planned or not should always accelerate your speed provided you're intentional. As a gift to my viewers and readers I would be releasing a series titled  'Cave woman'. Other short series would be coming in too like 'Miss Comfort' as mentioned in my last post. Please comment and share views. Thank you my Lords and Ladies.

Damocheese's Style: Yorin Damilola to publish a short drama series soo...

Damocheese's Style: Yorin Damilola to publish a short drama series soo... : Latest update So I'm writing a short drama series with just one major character for now. The story brings out serious issues disturbi... Latest update

Yorin Damilola to publish a short drama series soon

Latest update So I'm writing a short drama series with just one major character for now. The story brings out serious issues disturbing humanity in the most humorous way possible. The main character will be female majorly because women are known to have 70% of the world problems or maybe they just feel so. I'm thinking of calling her mad girl cuz she's a crazy character reason being that people who are blunt, overly emotional, bold and have great self respect are often hard to understand . Please send an email to voice your opinions 

Start up a business with less than 5000 Naira today • Side huzzle • Young and rich

Latest update Start up a business with less than 5000 naira today. Still too much? Start up a business with 1600 Naira today. Tested and verified . Click on the link below and/or call 07039184436 Click to start business now!!