How to improve your memory

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  1. Focus Your Attention 
  2. Train your brain
  3. Meditate
  4. Aerobic exercise 
  5. Sleep well 
  6. Eat memory boosting diets
  7. Get organized 
  8. Use mnemonic tricks -- acronyms, rhymes, and so on. When tightening or loosening lids, remember "righty-tighty, lefty-loosey." To recall the Great Lakes, remember "HOMES" (Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior.)
  9. Understand your own style of learning. Most people are visual learners, remembering best what they see. They benefit the most from memory notebooks and signs. Others are auditory learners, remembering best what they hear. They benefit from talking out loud or using a tape recorder. A few people are kinesthetic learners, remembering best what they experience. They will benefit most from writing things down or acting them out. Knowing your strength will help your memory run at peak efficiency. To enhance your memory, try using all three learning modes.
  10. Reduce sugar intake 
  11. Eat dark chocolate 
  12. Avoid high calorie diets


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