Emotional Dominance is abuse

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Emotional dominance is a type of emotional abuse.

According to psychotherapist Christine Scott-Hudson "Emotional dominance occurs when one person overwhelms the other's emotional boundaries and begins to control what the other is allowed to show, think, feel, and/or how to outwardly behave,"

How do you know you're a victim of emotional dominance ?

1. When you can't voice out your opinion on a subject or matter because you're afraid your partner or friend doesn't like it. Yes emotional dominance occurs amongst friends too. They're are friendships in which  value isn't balanced between the individuals involved. When one person values the friendship a lot more than the other and the other has emotional dominant tendencies it tends to spring up and bring the more caring friend into emotional submission.

2. When you're always getting disapprovals through body language for example sighs, glares, Shrugs etc. Your actions and words are controlled by what you feel they will like or permit. So you're not being the you that you are but the you that they want you to be.

3. They try to isolate you from others so they can have full possession over you. They don't love you they love the feeling they get from the power they have over you. Emotional dominance is very unhealthy. A person who loves you doesn't chain you, they set you free because they find joy in your happiness.

4. They use your flaws and Insecurities as a shade to cover up their wrongs. So you ALWAYS feel you exaggerated when you express your hurt or anger. When you find out you always blame yourself for their wrongs and actions it's a pointer to an unhealthy relationship

5. They expect you to know what they want . This is a form of slavery. It's impossible to always know what they want. It is also impossible to always meet with their needs. The frustration of not being able to do this makes you feel insufficient and dependent on their approval.

6. When you've forgotten you have emotional needs too or when you don't care about your emotional needs. Because your partner or friend constantly corrects you, criticizes you and points out the wrongs that you do, you find yourself aiming and working hard to be best for him/her (which is not usually the best version of yourself).

7. When your partner or friend demands that you fix their emotions. It is not your responsibility. I feel like shouting that louder. It is your responsibility to love, care and show concern but not to fix their emotions. So they put their grief, sadness and anger on you expecting that you'll manage it for them. It is a draining exercise for both partners.

Dominance in general starts from childhood. Bullies or children who have always been given preferential treatment are most likely to express emotional dominance when they grow up.

Ignoring fear and presenting ourselves as more emotionally secure than we really are—and bringing others along for the masquerade—will also give others a false sense of security, so we are less prepared if things go sideways.

Being emotionally dominant is draining. It wastes energy and power. 


Bolatito said…
The whole truth and nothing but the truth. Very educative

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