BRAND ARCHITECTURE- Creating a 'HOME' for your Brand(s) BT SamuelDUYILEglobal.

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BRAND ARCHITECTURE- Creating a 'HOME' for your Brand(s) by SamuelDUYILEglobal.

Brands need a home - a place to live and you need to define the Relationship that brand has with other brands in that home- called Brand Architecture. This is because you can have several brands within a Master brand as we will see shortly.

There are 3 major models of brand architecture.

1. House of Brands
In this model, each brand stands on its own and has no Relationship with each other - consumers know each of the brands but dont know the name of the company that owns you don't know the 'house' but you know the different 'rooms'.

2. Branded House
In this model, the company is the brand and all products and services within that company are associated with that SINGLE COMPANY BRAND but they themselves don't exist as a brand.
E.g *CATERPILLAR®* (the brand)...All you know about them is that they make very big mechanical machines but you cannot think of any distinct product name within it- so it is called a MASTER BRAND.

3. Blended House.
In this model,  abit of master brand with few Individual brands connected to it. E.g A major brand and Different sub-brands like *Myriad®* (the hospitality company ) each of the different segments though may have their unique brand promise which all leverage on the brand promise of the major brand.

'Branded House' is cheaper because you just invest in one brand but the disadvantage is when you want to expand like the *CATERPILLAR®* wanting to go into food business.

'House of brands'is very expensive but it's easier because you can go into different new Businesses without affecting the other brand.

'Blended House'approach is the best of both worlds.




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