Tissue didn't clean up the mess Finale | Damocheese Style

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It's been a long time since my last time
Signs of victory linger in the horizon
So unfamiliar a sight, yet soothing.
2 months, 3 days
16 hours and counting,
I've regained control of my flesh.
Nudity in music videos,
Nakedness in movie scenes
No longer inform a lust in me.
No need to retire early to bed;
I can stay up and alone all night
With no fear of a relapse,
Or I thought I could.
Night time!
Evil lurks in night time.
Something about the silent ambiance
Weakens my resolve.
Catching up on a few more episodes,
Late night whatsapp conversations;
From the first stroke of lust
On the canvas of my heart
I could sense what was coming
There was an absolute lack -
Lack of strength to resist.
Pity filled my heart, as I was about to fall.
Only for my phone to ring
'Let the devil know not today'
As Taya Gaukrodger's voice echoed.


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