Not A QUITTER by Rachael Farayola

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Not A Quitter
Life has so many meanings and we all view life differently, I see and view life to be me, the things I want and dream to achieve, my purpose, my happiness, my family, how I relate with people, my existence, and because I’m a follower of Christ, I see life also as my relationship with Christ and of all the meanings of life my favorites are these “the course of existence of an individual, the actions and events that occur in living”. “ the period during which something is functional” These two definitions say a lot about life. During the functional period called life, you’ll experience and pass through so many things, things that’ll make you question your existence, things that’ll make you question your creator. Life will toss you up and down, make you sad and happy, and finally at some point, you’d feel like relinquishing all, I used relinquish because your life is your possession, it’s what makes you, you and at some point, because of some issues that seem like they won’t go away or get solved, you’d feel like tossing away your possession, one of the greatest gifts given to you by your maker. Do you think giving up is the way out? Do you think forfeiting this precious gift is the solution to your problems, to your headaches? Have you ever stopped to think about how the aftermath of you giving up will be? Have you ever considered what will come next after giving up? Let me give you examples of what the aftermath will be; sadness and regret( the fact that you gave up and lost the opportunity given to you), discomfort, misery etc and the major aftermath is that you’ll remain the same, no change, no difference nothing. It’s always easy, extremely easy to quit but giving it a try won’t cause you any harm. You tried achieving it the first time and you failed, try it again the second time, keep trying till you get it, chances and opportunities don’t come easily but once they come to you and you have these opportunities in your hands, hold them firmly and never let them go. The thing about this thing called ‘chance’ is that it mostly come twice or more but most people or let me say most of us tend to let go after the first one and we fail to consider the second chance because we’re too engrossed in our failure thereby not preparing for the second chance. No one said it’ll be easy but no one said it’ll be smooth too. All these things are the things that make us, these are the things that constitute what we call life. These things are the stories we’ll tell and who’d want to tell a failure story without talking about how they rose up again to achieve the success and dream they’ve always wanted? No one I repeat no one would want to tell their stories without talking about how they didn’t give up nor quitted when they were given the bitter lemon of life to drink. So why not choose to win fully, why not choose to complete that thing yes that particular dream of yours that you’ve started chasing, why not choose to live and exist as the champion of your own life instead of living as a failure. The choice is yours, choose wisely, choose not to be a quitter.


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