
Scaling Your Digital Marketing Career Globally: Tips for Expanding in Singapore, South Africa, and Beyond

Latest update   The digital marketing world is vast, and the opportunity to scale globally is greater than ever. My journey as a digital marketer has led me to work with companies in the tech, fashion, beauty, crypto, and AI industries, and now, I’m focused on expanding my services to Singapore, South Africa, the UK, US, and Canada. My brand, " damithedigitalgirlie ," is built on a foundation of being expressive, goal-driven, and guided by Christian principles. Here’s how I’m preparing for global expansion and how you can do it too: Singapore : Tech is booming, and social media platforms are key for market engagement. Tailor your strategies to be data-driven and culturally relevant. South Africa : This market is ripe for fashion and beauty brands. Influencer marketing and community engagement are essential. UK, US, Canada : These are competitive yet rewarding markets. Keep your messaging clear and your strategies adaptable to consumer preferences. My Instagram has been instru

Undecided by Dami Yorin

Latest update  I don't know what I'll turn out to be. A who or a what, a person or a thing. I was in the process of becoming when a cloth of shame and spite wrapped me up tightly. Now I am sitting in a court being asked to defend myself. It was hard because I was yet to choose a path. Although I was cautious, I was not decided, and that my friend, was my greatest downfall. Now the prosecutor asks, "Who are you?" and the best answer I can think of is "Whatever you say I am". Of course, that doesn't favor my case but what can I do? Maybe I'll take the name they give me and see where it leads me. I patiently await for the jury to decide but even the jury is perplexed as to what to call me. The next court hearing is postponed indefinitely and here I am, just like the day I was served, still undecided. Part 2   I am sorry if I left a misconception about who I am from the beginning of my story. I still can't state for sure who I am but I am certain of

Affiliate Marketing guide| Pros and cons of Affiliate marketing

Latest update Definition Affiliate marketing is a marketing arrangement by which an online retailer pays a commission to an external website for traffic or sales generated from its referrals. How does Affiliate Marketing work? Advertisers will employ an Affiliate platform i.e Expertnaire to administer the tracking of their affiliate campaign. The network will provide a set of tracking links to the affiliates that sit behind the banners and text links on the affiliates’ websites. When the customer clicks on that link a cookie is dropped onto their computer and that click is registered by the Affiliate Network. When that customer then completes a purchase and reaches the advertiser’s confirmation page, the Affiliate Network’s tracking tag is fired. That tag checks for the relevant cookie and if the customer has come from one of the Affiliate Network’s publishers, the sale is recorded by the Affiliate Network in their platform. Via that platform both the advertiser and affiliate should be

How to write a proposal

Latest update What is a proposal? A proposal is a plan or suggestion, especially a formal or written one, put forward for consideration by others. Elements of a Proposal Summary - A brief executive summary of the business objective, the project, and how you intend to approach it. For big clients, this will be the part of the proposal that sells you and your content marketing services to higher-ups in the decision chain, so make it s persuasive as possible. Background - Your experience and credentials as they apply to the project. Testimonials from past clients of successful projects are a great selling point here. Proposed Services - Establish definitive scope to the project. What specifically are you going to do? Are you just writing copy, or are you also consulting on content strategy goals? Is there any research you’ll need to do? Define the specific deliverables. Requirements - What are all the things you’ll need from the client company? Full list of specifications for sales copy?

How to make $500 a month as a Freelancer in 2022

Latest update Copywriters are some of the highest-paid writers in the world, but to become  a truly proficient and profitable copy expert, you’ll need to invest time and  energy in studying the craft. The great news is that you earn more than salary workers and more importantly earn in dollars. What is Copy writing? Copywriting is the process of writing persuasive marketing and promotional materials that motivate people to take some form of action, such as make a purchase, click on a link, donate to a cause, or schedule a consultation. What is Freelance writing? Freelance writing is the practice of writing for money while working on one's own and not being employed by a company or organization. Freelance writers produce whatever written text is needed by their clients, either working from home or in a rented office space. Things you should do first: 1. Get a PayPal account A comprehensive guide to get a legit PayPal account :  Click here 2. Know how to write a proposal. 3. Get Reco

A Productive guide for phone addicts 2021

Latest update. Are you always on your phone? Do you not get things done as at when due ? Are you searching for a way the money you spend on data can boost your career, earn you money or at least be a platform for self development? The first thing you should know is that most people are always on their phones, the difference is what they channel their energy into. The second thing you should bear in mind is that you are unique. What may count as productive to me may not be to you. So I'll try to list various interests before explaining a few ways I've learnt to be productive mobile. Interests Spirituality ( Religion, meditation, study) Career Finance Self development Fashion Etc. Before I began writing this article, I felt what I had to offer was a lot but as I continued I realized that the topic is a lot broader than I thought. I'm confident that this piece would inspire you or possibly be the life changing information you need to put your life together. As dangerous as pho


Latest update PayPal attempts to make online purchases safer by providing a form of payment that does not require the payor or payee to disclose credit card or bank account numbers. Therefore, money is secure, privacy is protected, and, since the customer base is so large, transactions are faster than traditional methods. Here is a link to get the new method to safely create a PayPal account. Click to read more When You Get This Paypal Guide, You Will be Able to: 1. Setup your new, working Paypal account step by step 2. Create a working PayPal Account 3. Receive funds from overseas 4.Withdraw money from your PayPal account to your Nigerian Naira bank Account via Flutterwave. 5. Receive commissions from online platforms like JVZoo, Clickbank, WarriorPlus and much more. 6. Pay for your Facebook Ads. Click on the link to get the information on the new method to open a PayPal account without using VPN Click to read more

Out of the shadows by Dami Yorin

Latest update   What I've been through one might call scarring  Well that's why I'll rather keep shut My story is uncommon My style is different  My voice turns head And I'm not sure if that's good or bad  But that's the problem or maybe just one of the problems and the reason why I stay in the dark. I let the opinions of people write on the wall of my heart.  I let the critics in my head chain my will to move  I let the failures I've encountered define me I let people I love dictate what I do I take the norms of this world and I make it my law So pathetic!  The dark is the world of the dead As the name implies there's no light in it This place is not befitting for me This place is rejecting me somehow So from now I dare to live; To come out of the shadows  But be warned!  I'll damn anything that comes in my way - Yorin Damilola 

My Heart writes Part 2 (A written series) by Dami Yorin | Damocheese Style

Latest update A pen is mightier than the sword  Whatever writes commands power For as it is written so it must be done And now my heart writes; With inks of blood commanding actions of mine that in turn stirs ripples of reactions  And I breathe a pause The rhythm after I breathe a pause,  caused by the expansion and retraction of my chest, preparing it to write some more. What does it take to write in blood? The excitement caused by pain or gladness; The stretching of life in form of memories from the past and present; The pounding of it by many soldiers ready for war; And the sound of cymbals thrust against one another. Dear reader breathe a pause Decrees are made from what it writes,  justifying the process mentioned above. The proof of the process is the Heartbeat  It's Beautiful, isn't it? The result of its beat is what it writes  It's Powerful, don't you think? The pen of my life continues to write for a century  A life well lived I must say. 

My heart writes Part 1 (A written series) by Dami Yorin | Damocheese Style

What are you?  Thou mass of muscles pumping blood What are you?  A rhythm or my life's beat maker A resting place for my emotions or the pot that cooks feelings itself. What are you?  My mind's rival or the wheels that direct my feet A keeper of memories both sweet and sour or the door that guards my soul.  What are you?  The lighthouse my lover yearns for or chaos itself.  A wall,a painting or a house A sword that strikes against itself or a shield against the darts thrown to the soul.  What are you?  A fixed form or a transformer  I can liken you to a desert, a garden , the top of a mountain  or the waves of an ocean because you're so simple yet so complex Oh tell me what you are? The book, The pages, The writings or The pen. 

I apologize for the long break

Latest update Inasmuch as I know that I needed the break I want to tender my sincere apology to my ever consistent readers.  I love you all and you all are very very important to me.  But as you can expect I'm going to make up for my long break in a grand way Stay Eye tuned. 

Tissue didn't clean up the mess Finale | Damocheese Style

Latest update It's been a long time since my last time Signs of victory linger in the horizon So unfamiliar a sight, yet soothing. 2 months, 3 days 16 hours and counting, I've regained control of my flesh. Nudity in music videos, Nakedness in movie scenes No longer inform a lust in me. No need to retire early to bed; I can stay up and alone all night With no fear of a relapse, Or I thought I could. Night time! Evil lurks in night time. Something about the silent ambiance Weakens my resolve. Catching up on a few more episodes, Late night whatsapp conversations; From the first stroke of lust On the canvas of my heart I could sense what was coming There was an absolute lack - Lack of strength to resist. Pity filled my heart, as I was about to fall. Only for my phone to ring 'Let the devil know not today' As Taya Gaukrodger's voice echoed. Strength.

BRAND ARCHITECTURE- Creating a 'HOME' for your Brand(s) BT SamuelDUYILEglobal.

Latest update BRAND ARCHITECTURE- Creating a 'HOME' for your Brand(s) by SamuelDUYILEglobal. Brands need a home - a place to live and you need to define the Relationship that brand has with other brands in that home- called Brand Architecture. This is because you can have several brands within a Master brand as we will see shortly. There are 3 major models of brand architecture. 1. House of Brands In this model, each brand stands on its own and has no Relationship with each other - consumers know each of the brands but dont know the name of the company that owns you don't know the 'house' but you know the different 'rooms'. 2. Branded House In this model, the company is the brand and all products and services within that company are associated with that SINGLE COMPANY BRAND but they themselves don't exist as a brand. E.g *CATERPILLAR®* (the brand)...All you know about them is that they make very big mechanical machines but yo

MORE ON BRAND EXCELLENCE- what is your ONE Words?- by SamuelDUYILEglobal.

Latest update MORE ON BRAND EXCELLENCE- 'What is your 'ONE WORD'?- by SamuelDUYILEglobal. So Last night @CAAM April Purpose School tagged BRAND EXCELLENCE, I asked a Question... WHAT IS YOUR 'ONE WORD'??! This is WHO YOU  ARE!. This is what you  value today!. This is what you will value tomorrow and for the rest of your life..It is what makes you happy and  what connects your  happiness...It's your greatest Core Value...its the ONE WORD THAT YOUR ENTIRE LIFE, REALITY & PASSION CAN BE REDUCED TO! For Martin was *EQUALITY!.*  For Steve Jobs, it was *IMPACT!.* For David Oyedepo, it is *DOMINION!*  For Evan Carmichael, it is *BELIEVE!* For Samuel DUYILE, it is *TRANSCEND!* What is yourrrrr owwnnnn??? ITS SO KEY TO BRANDING AND IT MUST PERMEATE THROUGH ALL YOUR PRODUCTS AND SERVICES. This is what brings Customer loyalty because Brands work by APPEALING to you emotional connection that insulates you

Download Not A Quitter curated by Yorin Damilola

Starting is the hardest part, Your first article will be awful Your first video will be painful to watch, Your first Art will be awful, Your first photo will be awful Your first song will be pathetic But you can't make your 50th if you didn't make your first. Get it over with and make it @4wayDesign Click to Download Not A Quitter eBook for FREE!!!

NOT A QUITTER by Faith Haruna

st update  Writer: Faith

Not A QUITTER by Raji | Writers challenge | Damochesse Style

Latest update GIVE UP My dilemma on whether to stay strong or give up Been so weak lately, want to end it all. My dark mind with twisted intentions Just had my bathe,dressed to kill,put some cologne on then i proceed to sit in a dim lit room on my reading desk. Taking in what could possibly be my last wine,with a cigar on left hand my ink on the other . My mind all dark and life seem blurry,the only thing in my mind is suicide (self murder). As i write my last note and about to down the pills. Something came through,a ray of light shone through the cracks. My mind reverted to my childhood aspirations of  been so great,of when i was a happy lad. My mind reverted to when i felt i could conquer this bitch called life. Reverted to when i made conscious and logical decisions. My face now with strange love that looks like a smile. I smiled wider as the light continued to shine brighter now bursting to laughter. A drop of tear simmer down my cheeks. I already pushed all my lov

Not A QUITTER by Jemima Oduwaiye | Writers Challenge | Damocheese Style

Latest update As she laid out on the cold hard floor, deeply frustrated about the decisions she was about to make, “How can this be, everything’s all juggled up, time has been stolen” she said.  Doubt and uncertainty crowding her thoughts,she started to weep, “I never should have believed I...” she started to think. Suddenly, a voice said, “You’re not a quitter!” Looking around her with anxiety written all over her face, she began to search for who was with her in that cold lonely room. Everyone had left her behind,seeing that she had no ambition in life , “how could she possibly hear a voice other than hers” she thought. Fear raced through her heart and just then she figured she must have been hallucinating. With the broken bottles of vodka all around her,she definitely couldn’t have been thinking in the right order. She crawled back to her position of uncertainty and frustration, lamenting all her worries before she took the final step to the end of time. Just then she heard

Not A QUITTER by Janet Adejoke | Writers Challenge | Covid-19 | Damocheese Style

Latest update A poem by Janet adegoke Title- When the plague came When the plague came they were ill prepared So it ravaged them and the damage could not be compared When the plague came they couldn't cross the border "Run home" they said! "Go and stay with your mother!" When the plague came the leaders couldn't flee They were stuck with the system they disrupted and the citizens entered a state of jubilee When the plague came the world powers bowed People who formerly wanted to start a war began to cower and cry aloud When the plague came the religious zealots where no where to be found "Pay your tithes and offerings! Or else this disaster will abound!" When the plague came they panicked for a cure "Help us" they cried!!! "This pain we cannot endure!" When the plague came sanity began to be restored Industries were closed, traffic, excess parties and other forms of  madness were abhorred When the pla

Not A QUITTER by Sholafunmi| Writers Challenge| Damocheese Style

Latest update Not a quitter Nemo dat quod non habet is a Latin maxim for you cannot give what you don't have. If I am going to tell you a story about not quitting, I have to have not been a quitter... I believe. And if I haven't been able to do that, then I am more or less a hypocrite, right!!! In my first year in the University, I was deceived into being something I wasn't. When the 'end' came, I wasn't sure as to why I was living. I was broken into pieces and the fragments of my life didn't seem to make any sense. When you lose the sense of who you are and what you want, you are pushed into a corner to just quit. I am not a quitter because with the help of my heavenly father, I was able to push through. I am where I am by the grace of God, the way the Apostle Paul said it and I am not a quitter because I am not where I am but I am heading off to a beautiful destination. I am not a quitter because I have made some really bad and stupid decisions. I

Not A QUITTER| Writer's Challenge| Akorede B.A

Latest update Just as always, I was about to quit writing; or at least this piece. I had been rejected so many times, I had the door slammed in my face; so often that it felt weird whenever a door was open. I was not always like this, life had made me into one with no wits, it was only sad that I had no wins as well. I was a writer, I was a winner; it hurts that everyone else sees me as a weakling; a feeble boar who could not roar but was identified by only loud squeaks even among an entire swine. Hold up, When did I get so low that I was described as a weak pig? Yes, I have heard NO so many times, but so far as blood still flows in these veins, I would give it another go. The doors may be closed, or my nose made flat from the slams; that is still not enough reason to stand down, besides even junkyards have doors. Multi-vitamins were going to help me go one more time, they were better than motivational speakers who spoke as though they never had challenges. My multi-

Not A Quitter| Writer's challenge| Damocheese Style

Latest update Writer: Daniel Ekum Writer: Yusuf Writer: Oyedele Juwon Writer: Francisco  Writer: Philip

Not A QUITTER by Francisco Uzoenu.

Latest update Not a Quitter. It took a walk through the land of ironies, to know that darkness, is an angel that coughs out light. Mama once told me, ''cast your gaze to the air, for there lies the stories you wish to grasp". Pain is the rooster, that crows at the backyard of daylight; and sorrow, the maiden that tells me bedtime stories. Life gave me its tatters to wear, sending me into the streets; without a father to paddle me through the storms. I cried. I cry. And still cry. But giving up is not an option, and will never be. For I skate on the roller blades of optimism. I am not a quitter, and can never be. For everything good, will eventually come.

Not A QUITTER by Rachael Farayola

Latest update Not A Quitter Life has so many meanings and we all view life differently, I see and view life to be me, the things I want and dream to achieve, my purpose, my happiness, my family, how I relate with people, my existence, and because I’m a follower of Christ, I see life also as my relationship with Christ and of all the meanings of life my favorites are these “the course of existence of an individual, the actions and events that occur in living”. “ the period during which something is functional” These two definitions say a lot about life. During the functional period called life, you’ll experience and pass through so many things, things that’ll make you question your existence, things that’ll make you question your creator. Life will toss you up and down, make you sad and happy, and finally at some point, you’d feel like relinquishing all, I used relinquish because your life is your possession, it’s what makes you, you and at some point, because of some issues tha

Meet SamuelDUYILEglobal

Latest update SAMUEL DUYILE aka. SamuelDUYILEglobal (born May 21,1997) is a Speaker, Business Consultant, Leadership Expert, Performance Strategist, Entrepreneur, Lifecoach and Healing Revivalist. He is President and Founder of Cave of Adullam Apostolic Ministry Global Network (CAAM-GN) which is a Nondenominational Movement for a Saints Healing Revival and Mighty Saints Movement among youths across Africa and other continents of the world. He is CEO, Zion Global Business Network (ZGBN) which is a Hub that focuses on 24/7 Business Consults across the globe, shifting businesses to the next phase by sound and timeless principles as well as prophetic dimensions. ZGBN also majors in Real Estate and Agriculture especially Pig farming and Poultry together with crop production. He is President and Founder of Samuel Duyile World Outreach (SDWO), which is a Global outreach platform where the Apostolic emphasis of SamuelDuyile is taken across the Nations. Samuel Duyile has since 2017 bee

SEO- How to get your website or blog ranked at the top of Search engines like Google!!

Latest update Search Engine Optimization(SEO) is the art and science of getting your website or blog ranked at the top of the search engines. SEO now look at a few factors for priority placements on search results...See them below: 1. Time on site- the more time a person spends on your site, the more interesting it must be and the more the chances of better ranking. 2. Bounce rate- You have a 'bounce' on your site if people come to a single page and then leave again- basically, they hit it once and are gone. But if people visit a second page on your site, there is no bounce. 3. Click-through rate- Having a high click through rate tells Google that people were interested enough in your site to visit it in the first place, which means other people will also find it interesting, so they keep it high on the results page. 4. Page load speed- Fast loading sites benefit the visitors because they don't want to wait and because Google is dedicated to serving up search res

What you need to know about BRANDING and how to achieve BRAND EXCELLENCE

Latest update A brand is a set of tangible and intangible attributes designed to create awareness and identify  and build the reputation of a product, service, person, place or organization. The holistic perspective of branding is a long term Strategy ranging from product innovation to market communications. Branding creates an awareness and differentiation that distinguishes your business from it's competitors. If a brand delivers what it promises in a responsible fashion and continues to innovate and add value, people will continue to vote for it with their wallets, their  respect and even their affection. Any successful brand must continue to understand and anticipate changes in it's audiences in order to remain successful. Overall, the best service brands are built around a unique business idea or a compelling vision . To learn further on this subject, Join SamuelDUYILE on his 6 days class on BRAND EXCELLENCE from Monday 20th to Sunday 26th April, 2020  on WhatsA

Tissue didn't clean up the mess Part THREE

Latest update The memory is quite vivid; How I got entangled in these webs of lust This despicable act has a genesis Its revelation feels like a dream world away. Twelve years and counting, I've hoped to stop Finally! No more! Then an uglier head comes up No one has ever found out But I've let few people in, regrettably. They try so hard to hide their disappoinment I could see right through them. The unseen gasps and screams of surprise: No one would have thought... they thought Normal for all lads your age...they said. Spiritual, moral, so-so...they wondered How could he, the preacher...they whispered. Since everyone sympathises with a survivor, I lay emphasis on it being a practice of the past, Stating my brief atheism stint as a backstory. I wish someone could hold my hands And whisper comfort to my ears My silence is a scream for help - Help I need but can't ask for. No doubt a mess and an object of disgust Sigh! Frustrations, I need to chill o


Latest update 1 John 5:4 [4]For whatever is born of God is victorious over the world; and this is the victory that conquers the world, even our faith.

Tissue didn't clean the mess part TWO

Latest update Reeled in by the guilt of yesterday, Consumed by a sea of disgrace. Yet with a smile and a high shoulder, I have an Oscar-worthy performance. Certainly, no one could suspect a thing. The answers I gave in Sunday school So profound... I got an ovation as heads nodded in agreement But do they know what I did? As I lifted my hands in worship, Crying and shouting at the top of my voice Shame kept ministering to my heart As we danced and clapped during praises, People showed abundance of joy Being the last Sunday service in the month I, in my traditional side-steps, 1, 2 Wallowed in embarrassment; It was too much to bear, so I did what was best I talked to God , asking why? I needed information, as to if I was the only one? Did I inherit these from my parents? Dad did it too? "No answers I see... But know this God I'll never let you down again, I promise." Said me, the umpteenth time